Ocehan Gue Nih :D

Wednesday 21 December 2011

A Dirty Water

A Dirty Water

I have a funny story. It was happened when I still study in Junior High School. Lets we read my funny story.
One day, at my school, SMP N 6 Samarinda, bell over the school was rang. I and two my best friends, Irma and Icha went to canteen to make a lunch. After we make a lunch, we also quickly go back to our home. We went back to our home by foot, because our home near from our school.
On the way, we are talked about our lesson in the class. Then, the rain begin to fell. We are walked quickly. Suddenly, the swift water from a house fell sharp on my friend, Irma. In a matter of fact, that water is not a rain water, but its a dirty water. I and Icha laughed, because Irma very dirty and his smell was very bad.


Hmm, cerita di atas adalah tugas aku waktu sma. Tugas membuat 'Funny Story'.
Dan Bahasa Inggris aku masih *anu* banget, so, kalo emg ada kata2 salah benerin yah hihihi

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